Friday, October 18, 2024






"You can do something. You can't do everything, but that's not an excuse to do nothing!" We see so many pleas in the media to support this or that cause and often our eyes glaze over, or we receive so many pieces of junk mail asking for donations, etc., that often we just throw them in the wastebasket... especially during election season: it's too much for us to handle! But here's a really worthy cause that deserves your full attention and response:

bricks for the ARC The volunteers at Vision Complex Orphanage and School in Tanzania have made this huge pile of bricks to build the ARC. They have plenty of good clay soil to mix with water, place in forms, and bake them into bricks.

cement, rods, and beams Here's some of the cement, reinforcing rods, and boards we've provided to use for the foundation. They will need more, but these are a start so you can see that they're pushing ahead with this project.

huge rocks too big to break up After starting to clear the land for the foundation, they realized that this pile of huge rocks was too big to break up by hand, so they moved the staked-out ground and cleared some more land.

(video:) clearing and measuring the site Here they are, after clearing more land and marking where the foundation will be laid.

(video:) digging the foundation The volunteers are working for free: after all, it's the children of this town, Bunda, who are going to school and being cared for at Vision Complex. But digging, carrying rocks, gravel, sand, cement, and water is hard work, so the men have to be fed!

(video:) putting rocks in the trenches It's painful for me to imagine carrying such huge rocks, because I injured my back 46 years ago doing the same thing while building a retaining wall for our garden. So pray for the safety of these volunteers!

(video:) filling in the spaces with cement They're filling in the forms with cement to hold the rocks, gravel, and sand together. They have enough of these materials to build a part of the foundation to show you that this is the real deal, not a just pipe dream or a scam.

The 23rd chapter of Jeremiah is full of warnings to and judgement of false shepherds and false prophets. Frequently I come across such self-appointed "prophets" - people on the Internet who "command and declare" this or that as the word of the Lord. Here's what the real Prophet Jeremiah wrote about this:

"I haven't sent these prophets, yet they ran: I didn't speak to them, yet they prophesied. But if they had stood in my council, then they would have caused my people to hear my words, and would have turned them from their evil way, and from the evil of their doings. Am I a God at hand, says the Lord, and not a God afar off? Can any hide himself in secret places so that I shall not see him? says the Lord. Don't I fill heaven and earth? says the Lord. I have heard what the prophets have said, who prophesy lies in my name, saying, 'I have dreamed, I have dreamed.' How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets who prophesy lies, even the prophets of the deceit of their own heart" (Jer. 23:22-26).

The problem today, however, is there are so many of these false pastors and false bishops that we tend to generalize that they're all rotten apples, and thus discredit the good and genuine bishops, priests, pastors, and helpers. I have examined closely and tested Simon John's work at Vision Complex: as you see here, he's the real deal!

Simon and his volunteer workers have been working hard during the last few weeks, but now they're out of rocks... and funds. They have the cement, sand, gravel, and reinforcing rods, but need more rocks, and 20-liter and 80-liter water containers to carry water from the 1,000-liter tanks that we already provided to the construction site. Right now they need $5,000 to finish the foundation. Then they can use the bricks to start building the walls. Our small non-profit organization has provided much more than that, but now we don't have even that much in our account. So...

"You can do something. You can't do everything, but that's not an excuse to do nothing!" Now is the time to DO SOMETHING! Go to our →Vision Complex← page and donate what you can: whether it's $5 or $50 or $500: every buck and brick help Build the ARC!

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Get Aboard the ARC!

  Get Aboard the ARC!     "A decline in courage may be the most striking feature which an outside observer notices in the West in o...