(Click the photo.) The world's population collapse isn't "going to happen"... it's already here. The article "You can’t stare down reality: population collapse has begun" explains that many people dismiss warnings about the world running out of people. They attack the messengers as sensationalist gloom-and-doomers or pronatalist fanatics who care nothing for the environment and would force procreation by religious edict.
But by 2100, populations in some major economies will fall by 20 to 50 percent, based on UN projections. This includes Europe, North America, Latin America, the Caribbean, India, the Middle East and North Africa. The global support ratio of working-age people to senior citizens was 9.7 in 1997. Today it's 6.5, projected to be 3.9 by 2050. In "Global North" countries it is 3.9, projected to be 2.0 by 2050. Seniors will account for a quarter of global consumption by 2050. While we should continue combating the birth dearth, let’s face it: our reality is a decreasing fertility and a youth deficit that will sharply reduce the working-age component of societies across the globe. This is not sustainable for modern society: it is collapsing.
What accounts for this birth dearth? Our ARC-News lead articles in the Nov. 30 and Dec. 14 issues of last year provided several reasons: The first is the "Age of Reason" in the West that exalted human rationality and its ability to analyze and control the natural, material world. Some call this the "Age of Enlightenment" but it should more aptly be named the "Age of Endarkenment" because, as St. Paul wrote – "although they knew God, they did not glorify Him as God, nor were thankful, but became futile in their thoughts, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:21-22).
Second is the industrial age, which ushered in the ability via steam engines, electricity, and oil products to vastly expand mankind's ability to produce material goods. This caused us to further change our focus from the world as God's creation to a world that is just waiting to be exploited for mankind's material gain and comfort. Education became completely secularized. We now have homes with central heating and cooling, kitchens full of modern appliances to make life easier, cars and smoothly paved roads to drive on, and unprecedented wealth per capita. But we've also polluted our air with petrochemical exhausts, our waters with microplastics that cause infertility, and our land with radioactive and poisonous chemical waste.
Thirdly, this ushered in the idea that we no longer needed traditional morality to have "the good life" as people accumulated more stuff and money. The pursuit of pleasure and possessions replaced the pursuit of holiness and glorifying God. By the latter half of the 20th century, the idea that the "Great Society" welfare state would provide for our every need means we don't need to bother with having children to take care of us in our old age, "the Pill" and abortion broke the link between sex and reproduction, schools began handing out condoms and the Pill to high school students without parents' knowledge or consent, and college campuses became places of rampant bed-hopping.
The first article quoted above mentioned the study “Dependency and depopulation? Confronting the consequences of a new demographic reality” from the prestigious McKinsey Global Institute (MGI), It tells that modern society has made us dependent on the secular state for education, healthcare, and retirement so that we don't need to take care of ourselves, struggle and study to learn a profession, earn our own way, raise a family, and provide for our old age: the government will provide for us.
We have become fat and lazy: most people spend the majority of their waking hours in front of a screen, either with their noses glued to their smartphones, staring at a computer, or watching TV – usually over the Internet. This has resulted in about 50% of young men not meeting the physical or intellectual standards for military service, "a population that does not want to serve, and that is too fat and dumb to serve effectively."
The "all-powerful, all-wise social welfare state" has run out of gas, money and people. It can no longer collect enough taxes to provide all of the services and benefits that it has promised and that the people have voted for. Creating "fiat money" out of thin air by simply issuing more bonds has resulted in cheapening the value of currencies in nearly all developed economies: I remember that when I was a child a first-class stamp cost two cents and a candy bar cost five cents. Now they cost about 30 times as much! This inflation is the result of financing the social welfare state by issuing "funny money" and thus devaluing our currency.
Inflation is not a law of nature, it is a man-made, government-made way of deceiving people into believing that they're earning more money so they and the future generations can pay more taxes. Even the laws of nature are not the final word: Information Science is the transformation of meaningless bits of raw data into "data structures" of meaningful information. The universe is not merely raw matter, it requires structure and information to exist; astrophysicists now know that there's something beyond human ability to comprehend, even with the best scientific instruments: they call it "Dark Matter" or "Dark Energy" that makes up over 95% of the universe and without which the universe cannot exist or hold together.
We cannot continue deceiving ourselves into thinking that life will always go on as usual, that the secular state is able to solve all social and economic problems. It is high time – even past time – for us to repent of our overweening pride, our greed and laziness, to turn away from this postmodern mentality that everything will continue getting better and better. We need to return to faith in the real, supernatural God who has revealed Himself in the Living Word, the Logos – the true Logic and Meaning of life – "Who is the icon of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation. For by Him (the Logos) were all things created, in the heavens and on the earth, things visible and things invisible, whether thrones or dominions or principalities or powers; all things have been created through Him, and for Him. He is before all things, and in Him all things are held together" (Colossians 1:15-17).
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